May 10th 2024 | 2:37


DeepNude: The controversial app that uses AI to generate images of naked women

DeepNude uses AI to create realistic images of naked women from clothed photos.

Jeickson Sulbaran

September 20, 2023 | 10:30 a.m.

The Risks of Deep Learning

La Artificial Intelligence (AI) and deep learning are reshaping the world in astonishing ways. From early cancer detection to the automation of public transportation, the potential benefits are enormous. But like any powerful tool, it also has its dark side, as demonstrated by the controversial app DeepNude.

What is Deep Nude?

DeepNude is an app that uses AI to digitally “undress” women in photos. Although the application has been closed by its creator, it has left a bitter aftertaste about the ethical implications of AI. Created with the intention of being a technical experiment, the app crossed numerous ethical and social lines, including invasion of privacy and gender discrimination.

Technical and Ethical Limitations

Not only did DeepNude generate images of women without their consent, but it did so in a way alarmingly realistic. The algorithm used only worked with images of women, which sparked criticism of sexism and perpetuating gender inequalities. The paid version, which cost as much as $99,99, allowed images to be generated without a watermark, exacerbating the risks of misuse.

Invasion of Privacy and the Danger of Deepfakes

Danielle Citron, a law professor at the University of Maryland, called the app an “invasion of sexual privacy.” Deepfakes, which have already demonstrated their potential for harm in the political and social sphere, are entering a new, more dangerous phase by allowing anyone to generate compromising images without the need for advanced technical skills.

Machismo and Technology

Gender selection for the creation of DeepNude adds a layer of concern. According to the creator, the choice to focus on women is due to the increased availability of images of naked women online, which is a problem in itself. This demonstrates once again how technology can be a tool to perpetuate existing inequalities.

Legality and Regulation

Legal ambiguity around deepfakes and AI is another area of ​​concern. The app could have been used to create revenge porn or extortion, even though the creator decided to shut it down. The lack of existing regulation for this type of technology shows the need for stricter laws to control its use.

Ethics at the Center of the Debatee

It is crucial that ethical debate accompanies technological development. DeepNude serves as a stark reminder of what can go wrong when technology gets ahead of ethics. As we move towards a more digital future, the balance between innovation and ethical responsibility becomes increasingly critical.

Botton line, DeepNude has left a stain on the potential of AI. Its impact goes beyond a simple application and opens questions about responsibility, ethics and regulation in the era of artificial intelligence. It is a wake-up call for developers, legislators and society in general to address these issues with the seriousness they deserve.

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