May 9th 2024 | 8:50


Owner of La Gilda del Norte faces up to 6 years in prison for exploiting foreign workers

Mairenis Gomez

April 27, 2024 | 11:07 a.m.

Exploitation and justice in La Gilda del Norte: a labor scandal that shakes Bizkaia

La Gilda del Norte, an agricultural company in the heart of Bizkaia, is involved in a labor exploitation scandal. The owner, FJGÁ., along with his daughter, face Severe charges for illegal labor practices and dehumanizing. From underpayment to the abuse of vulnerabilities, this case not only reveals the cracks in law enforcement, but also the helplessness of workers foreigners in our region.

The beginning of a long judicial investigation reveals reprehensible practices.

It all started with surprise inspections by the National Police and the Labor Inspection in December 2020, in the middle of the pandemic. These visits not only confirmed the existence of employees without a contract and paid below the minimum interprofessional wage. But also working conditions that border on the inhuman. Workers were told to hide during inspections, and in one extreme case, a pregnant employee was reportedly offered money to have an abortion.

The accusations highlight negligence in workplace safety

The recently issued order to open the trial not only incriminates Gutiérrez for imposing illegal conditions on his workers, but also for employing foreigners without the appropriate permits and minors in risky situations. The accusations highlight alarming negligence in occupational health and safety, especially for forcing employees with COVID-19 to work, seeking a controversial "herd immunity."

search for justice and economic reparation

Now, the legal challenges for La Gilda del Norte are intensifying with strong criminal and civil lawsuits. The affected workers, with the support of committed lawyers, seek not only justice in the form of criminal convictions, but also significant financial reparations for the damages suffered. This case also highlights a troubling disconnect between prior administrative sanctions and the company's ongoing practices.

Legal challenges intensified in La Gilda del Norte

Looking to the future and beyond judgment

However, it is crucial to reflect on how such exploitative situations still occur in our environment and what measures could be implemented to prevent such abuses. The responsibility does not fall only on business owners, but also on the institutions that must monitor and act decisively.. The community of Bizkaia and the media play a fundamental role in keeping these issues in the public spotlight and demanding transparency and justice.

Without a doubt, this La Gilda del Norte scandal is not just an isolated case, but a symbol of the labor and ethical challenges we face as a society. It is imperative that everyone, from citizens to government officials, be actively involved in promoting a fair and safe work environment for all. With this case as a starting point, we can and must seek meaningful change that ensures such injustices are not repeated.

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